Cardano, the popular blockchain project considered the “Ethereum killer,” is being outperformed by xDai, an Ethereum sidechain, in terms of the number of transactions processed daily. 

According to data on Cardanoscan, the Cardano network managed to complete 84,668 transactions yesterday.  

However, data on Blockstout gas trackers show that the xDai chain yesterday, completed a total of 491,801 transactions, which is nearly six times what the so-called Ethereum Killer was able to process. 

xDai Chain’s Capability 

The xDai chain is an Ethereum sidechain developed to process transactions faster and at lower costs. The network provides clients with the ability to move tokens between different chains using its unique TokenBridge Architecture technology. 

It has an average block time of 6.6 seconds and has so far processed 61,897,152 transactions as at press time.  

Cardano’s Unending Promises 

The milestone suggests that there is more activity on the Ethereum sidechain than on Cardano, which may not come as a surprise to many considering Cardano’s failure to implement most of its promises to investors. 

Cardano, which describes itself as a third-generation blockchain, launched in a bid to address some of the issues found in Ethereum and Bitcoin, especially in terms of scalability.

Cardano’s founder Charles Hoskinson has promised investors on several occasions that the network will soon become home for dApp developers, as the project looks forward to unseating Ethereum as a widely used decentralized application (dApp) platform. 

“This time next year I predict there will be hundreds of assets running on Cardano, thousands of DApps, tons of interesting projects, and lots of unique uses and utilities. 2021 is going to be so much fun watching Cardano grow and evolve. The community is definitely ready to innovate,” Hoskinson tweeted last year. 

To date, Cardano has yet to deliver on any of its promises as investors continue to hope for better days.

Interestingly, despite not keeping to its promises, Cardano’s native cryptocurrency (ADA) has been on a remarkable run since last month and it is currently ranked as the third-largest cryptocurrency according to data on Coingecko. 

Ethereum, on the other hand, has remained the home for several dApp developers with lots of projects being launched.

The second-largest cryptocurrency project has seen several dApp and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) launched since last year. 

Lele Jima

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Lele Jima is a writer by heart and a crypto enthusiast. He has been a writer for over two years. So far, he has written on topics that cut across various industries ranging from fintech to ICT. He hopes his words bring the desired change we crave for, which is to make the world a better place. His pen is his might, and the sky, his starting point.

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